what do you do when your home school nature day gets rained out? you go bowling where it's nice and dry. that's right, we took our 20 some kids to the cal bowl and had a great time. take a look...

watching the big leagues and getting pumped for their session

my little fella was raring to go. he's in love with bowling. he was first introduced to it on my sisters iphone and he's been hooked ever since.

my girl has got her bowling shoes on and she's ready to go

this is probably one of the random balls that garebear through down the lane when it wasn't his turn. taking turns was part of our lesson on this day. let's just say we're still working on that. he's 2, what do you expect?

checkout my girl's form and style

bowling balls are so photogenic

this little fella wasn't lacking form or style

actually, all of our home school friends had great form and style. they had good sportsmanship and with the exception of my little one they were all great at waiting for and taking turns. it was the perfect rainy day schedule. i almost want it to rain again.
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