the other day we went to the horse stables with a friend of ours. her sister has a horse there, so we (the kiddo's) were able to go for a little ride. first up was my little fella. take a look at the fourth photo in this sequence it's my favorite and it sums up his horse riding experience...
horse stables: gare's first time ever on a horse
he seriously had a pouty lip from the third photo and on. needless to say he is not my little jockey, but he loved the helmet and wore it the entire time we were there even though he wasn't riding a horse.
my girl on the other hand, loved it! this was her first time on a real "big" horse. she has done the pony rides at the fair, but this was the real deal for her.

oh my gosh, she's such a natural right?

look at her all kickin' out her heals with excitement! she loved it and has been asking for a horse ever since.
while avery was riding we passed by this little (and i really mean little) horse. he is a miniature pony and so cute. these two littles hit it off.

here's gare's new famous pose. he's been doing this lately. remember him here? what is this? it's cracking me up and way too cute. he'll do it again a few photo's down.
after the ride we took bella (that's the horse) to rinse and cool her off.
my girl helped
and you know who did this.
she was a good helper and the horse loved it.

after the cool down rinse we put bella back in her stall, fed her some watermelon rinds and carrots and called it day!
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