have i told you that i love our home school nature group? i think i have and i really do. we do the funnest, coolest adventures together. on my own i am not much of an explorer, but this group brings it out of me.
this weeks nature day was wild blackberry or boysenberry picking. (to find out the difference between the two you can go here) i actually think both berries were present. all i know is that my kiddo's thought they were delicious.

they were eager to join their friends over on the hill
and pick their own berries.
my girl brought a basket for her pickings

it was another fun day in nature and we will be back because look at all those soon to be ripened berries.
on a side note: unfortunately, where there are berries there are bees. a couple of our kiddo's got too close to a beehive (we didn't know it was there until after) and they were attacked by a swarm of angry bees. one of them got stung 14+ times. thankfully, between our group we were able to round up some things to help this poor kiddo out. one mama had a first aid kit in her car that had calamine lotion, i had tylenol in my bag and there was lots help trying to keep the little one calm and her mama too. but, it got me thinking of how important it is for us mama's to be prepared. if you don't already have an emergency kit in your car you should really get one. you never know when accidents will happen and hopefully they won't. but, i can guarantee if you ever do have to use it, you will not regret having it. i currently do not have an emergency kit in my car. it is on my list of things to do by the end of this week. (my car is in the shop until thursday, so i can't get it done any sooner) this is what i plan on putting in it:
car emergency kit
- basic first aid kit
- children's tylenol
- children's benadryl
- a few medicine droppers
- calamine lotion
- instant cold pack
- bottles of water
- some packaged snacks (granola bars, crackers, fruit snacks)
- $20-$40
that's all i got for now. what do you have in your emergency kit? let me know if i forgot anything. you know how i love to be prepared.
all in all, after a trip to the urgent care, a dose of benadryl, some stickers and a lollipop from the doc this little one ended up being ok. she was such a trooper, as well as her mama and big sis.
now go make an emergency kit. do it. you want regret it!
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