these boots were made for exploring and that's just what they did on our tuesday nature study with our homeschool group. it's been rainy a lot here in, so when we visited the san joaquin wildlife preserve in irvine most of our kiddo's sported their rain boots. they came in handy (or footsy just to be corny) because there was lots of mud puddles to walk through, wade through, and stomp through. that's just what we did and as we were hiking along the kiddo's found some bones in the bushes that just so happen to be one of the highlights of the day. the kiddo's were so excited about this find that i braved the bushes, grabbed a plastic bag and dragged the bones up to the path so we could get a better look at them. turns out the bones were an intact fish skeleton. it was pretty cool. there were lots of ideas about were it came from, what it was, how it got there, and lots of poking and prodding with sticks to look at it from all angles. take a look at where and what our boots explored last tuesday...

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