much to the mister and my dismay, this little fella is obsessed with sports. not one sport in particular, but all of them. which is funny because the only sport that happens in our home is surfing. seriously, the mister doesn't play sports and he certainly doesn't watch them on t.v. let's put it this way the first baseball game he went to was with me like two years after we were married, which he hated because 1) he lost his favorite pair of sunglasses there and 2) it was boring as heck. he knows nothing about football, and if you told him there was a goalie in basketball he would probably believe you. i'm not telling you this to insult my mister. no, never. it's what i love about him. i love that he would rather go to the beach on the weekend, than stay at home to watch the game on t.v. i love that i don't have to buy him clothes plastered with his favorite sports team. i love that he is NOT a sports lover. but, his son, that's a different story. somewhere, somehow we got a sports fan on our team. i don't know where he came from or what we are going to do about it, but this kiddo is all about sports. so much so, that he thinks his jammies (an over sized bob's big boy t-shirt and a pair baby gap pj bottoms) are a football uniform. oh (sigh), let's play ball!