this past weekend we held a talent show in our backyard with our home school friends. it was so much fun i think we will make it an annual event. our group consist of kiddo's in the age range of brand new - 7 years old and i will have to say they are a pretty talented bunch. we had singing, baseball catching, knock-knock jokes, poems recited, MAGIC, piano playing and much, much more. as a parent i was concerned that maybe the kiddo's would be nervous to come up and share their talent, and of course their was a few. but, the majority of our group came right up. some of them even shared a few of their talents. basically we couldn't get them off of the stage (the mister rigged up a tiny stage for them to use). like i said before it was such a fun day and i am so thankful to be a part of such an awesome, talented home school group. here's what we did to set the "stage"...

microphones for each kiddo
dance party after the show
can't wait for next years show!